Barnsley Schools Catering Service - Parent Consultation
You are receiving this questionnaire if your child / children attend a school that Barnsley Catering Service provides school meals to. We strive to ensure that children are provided with access to healthy, nutritional, good quality food and are therefore continually looking for ways to improve the service that we provide. Your views are extremely valuable to us, and we welcome you to complete this short survey (it should take around 5 minutes). This will help us to identify what we’re doing well and also any areas where you feel we need to make improvements. Some sections of the survey have been designed to allow you to provide multiple responses where you have more than one child at the same school. All responses are greatly appreciated.
UNISON supports Public Health England: that the provision of good quality nutritious school meals is a key element in tackling health inequalities. There is also evidence that nutritious healthy schools meals improve educational attainment
All respondents will be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win a bowling voucher for 4 at Barnsley Metrodome and a £25 Love2Shop retail voucher. UNISON have kindly provided the £25 Love2Shop retail voucher.
This question requires an answer
1. School your child attends *
2. How many children attend the above school?
3. Which key stage is your child/children currently in?
4. What is your child's/children's favourite meal?
This question requires an answer
5. What type of meal does your child/children enjoy eating the most?
Please rank the following types of meal between 1 and 4 (where 1 is their most favourite and 4 is their least favourite meal).
If your child prefers vegetarian options (e.g. pasta bake/Quorn) please move to Question 6 and select Vegetarian Options.
6. Prefer vegetarian options
This question requires an answer
7. What type of dish does your child/children enjoy eating the most?
Please rank the following types of meal between 1 and 5 (where 1 is their most favourite and 5 is their least favourite meal).
If your child/children do have school meals please go to Question 8.
If your child/children do not have school meals please go to Question 20.
8. Of those children having a school meal, how often do they have them?
9. From the list below please select two main reasons why your child/children currently takes a school meal
10. Which of the following do you consider to be the most important aspects for your child/children’s school lunch? (Please tick all that apply)
11. If your child/children only have a school meal on certain days of the week could you please indicate in the box below the reason for this?
For example “my child doesn’t like the choices on a Tuesday”, “paying for a school meal every day is too expensive”.
This question requires an answer
12. When it comes to the provision of school meals, please rank in order of importance to you the following (1 being most important and 4 being least important).
13. Does your child/children have special dietary needs that Barnsley Schools Catering service cater for?
14. What are your thoughts on the menu choices?
15. Based on your child's opinion, please rate the following
16. Based on your child’s opinion, please rate the following Happy or Unhappy by clicking on the drop-down options.
Please complete for each child that attends the school (Child 1, 2, 3, 4)
| Child 1 | Child 2 | Child 3 | Child 4 |
Taste of the food | | | | |
The way the food looks | | | | |
Amount of food you get | | | | |
Choice of meals on the menu | | | | |
Time you have to eat your dinner | | | | |
17. How often would you like to receive information from the school meal service?
18. As a schools catering provider we would love to involve / engage with parents more. Please indicate how you would prefer to hear from us.
19. As a parent or guardian, what do you feel could be done to improve school meals?
Thank you for completing the survey your participation is greatly appreciated.
There is space at the end of this survey to write any additional comments. The next 2 questions are specifically targeted at parents and guardians who do not opt for school dinners for their child/children.
Please provide your contact details to ensure you are included in the prize draw and select ‘Finish survey’ to submit (located at the end, after question 21).
20. What are the reasons you/your children do not opt to have a school dinner?
Please tick all that apply:
21. What could we do to encourage your child/children to opt for school meals?
Please tick 3 options that would encourage you the most to opt for a school meal
Please provide your name and email address to be entered into the prize draw: