Friday 7th October to Friday 4th November 2022

What happens at the moment?  
At the moment, Post-16 Education hours a young person receives vary from 16 hours up to 25 hours, depending on where learners attend and not necessarily their needs. 

What are the options? 
Option A: Continue with the current way of allocating p16 placements.  
Option B: Move to a three-day week across all p16 education settings, with the option for more hours if needed. More hours will be determined through a local authority decision making panel. This will depend on the needs of the learner and not the setting type. 

How do I share my views? 
You can complete this survey or come to one of our face-to-face drop-in sessions: 
Tuesday 11 October, 9.30am-12.30pm, in Barnsley Town Hall (meeting room 1) 
Monday 17 October, 3pm-6pm, at Greenacre 
Friday 21 October, 9am-12pm, at Dearne Family Centre  
Tuesday 1 November, 11am-2pm, at Athersley Family Centre 
You can ring 01226 773966 or email for any queries and if anyone needs to request a paper or braille copy of the survey and/or consultation. 

Note: compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be strictly adhered to. All responses recorded are anonymous and no personal data or information is collated, stored or shared. No responses will be shared with 3rd parties. All responses will be captured and stored securely, and disposed of in line with GDPR.