Short breaks give disabled children and young people enjoyable experiences away from their primary carers, thereby contributing to their personal and social development and ensuring they do not become socially isolated.

Short breaks for children and young people with disabilities benefit all – giving children and young people enjoyable experiences away from their primary carers whilst giving parents, carers and families a necessary and valuable break from their caring responsibilities which, in turn, enables them to maintain and improve the quality of care they provide.

Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council is responsible for ensuring children and young people who have disabilities and additional needs can access short breaks and a range of short breaks are available.
Short breaks can happen during:
  • day times
  • evenings
  • weekends
  • school holidays. 
They can take place
  • in the child’s own home
  • in the home of an approved carer
  • in a residential or community setting.

We are carrying out this consultation to ensure that families have the opportunity to tell the Council how they feel about short breaks and what else they would like to see offered. We want to ensure that the money we have available is spent wisely and fairly, so please take a little time to fill in this questionnaire.

Your answers will be treated in confidence and you will get feedback about how the consultation has informed the decision making process and what has happened. This consultation will finish at the end of July. Feedback will be published on the local offer when it has been analysed after this consultation closes.

If possible, please encourage other family members to carry out this survey so that it reflects all of your wishes and feelings.

If you would like further information about the consultation, or have any concerns about this consultation, please contact
Louise Berry, Lead Commissioning Officer

If you would like support to complete this survey you can:
  • attend the SEND Participation Drop in at Barnsley Library on 11th July 10am-2pm
  • contact
  •  call the SEND Participation Assistant, Laura on 07733314775


1. How old is the child/ young person with disabilities in your family? (please tick more than one box if appropriate)


2. Which area do you live in?


3. Does your family access any short breaks/ respite services now?


4. If you do use services, can you please tell us which is the main short break service that you access? (if you do not access any short break services then please go to question 7)


5. What difference does this service make to you? (Tick all that apply)


6. Please tell us more about the quality of this service?

Is it easy to access?
Is it reliable and regular?
Is it available when you need it?
Does it suit the needs of your family?
Is it age appropriate for the child/ young person?
Do you have confidence that the child/ young person will be well looked after by those who understand their needs?

7. If you answered NO to any of the questions above, please tell us a bit more about this.


8. How did you find out about short breaks? (How, where and from whom?)


9. Do you access any other respite or short breaks services not provided by the Council?


10. If you answered YES to question 9, could you tell us which services you access?


11. If you answered YES to question 9, please tell us and what you like about them.


12. What do you feel are the barriers to accessing short break / respite services to help you with your caring role and to help your child access appropriate services?

We have problems with transportation.
We did not know where to find the information ourselves
The information available is not available in my language.
The information available is not in plain English
None of the professionals we have worked with have given us a range of information.
The application process to receive short break/ respite care is putting us off.
We are concerned it will not be available at the times we need it.

13. Which current short break services do you think should be provided or expanded in the future or what alternatives would you like to see provided in the future?

There is only a limited amount of money available to provide additional short break services, but if you have any other ideas of what should be available, please tell us. The Council is willing to consider new and innovative ideas if they make a difference to good physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.)

Please provide as much information as possible in the box below.


14. When, where and how do you think parents/ carers should find out about short break respite services?

At the point of diagnosis
From another parent/ carer
At the library or local community centre
On the internet
At the doctors/hospital
From health professionals e.g health visitor
Available at family centres, nurseries, and schools

15. Does your child have an allocated worker from the Disabled Children’s Team?


16. Have you ever been a refused a short break or advised not to apply?


17. Please give us any additional information that you think is important when thinking about good short breaks/respite.

Thank you very much for the time you have taken to help ensure that services meet your needs.