Draft Housing Strategy

1. Have your say on our draft Housing Strategy

We have published a draft Housing Strategy, developed with stakeholders which sets out our priorities for housing in Barnsley over the next four years. Our new strategy acknowledges key issues affecting housing in Barnsley and the impact they have on residents. It outlines our plans to address these issues through collaboration and partnership working, while also aligning with other key strategies and plans

We'd like feedback on our new strategy. Our consultation provides an opportunity for residents, landlords, and tenants to have their say. Following engagement and consultation, a final strategy will be presented.

Read our new strategy at barnsley.gov.uk/draft-housing-strategy

Any data collected through this survey will only be used to help inform updates to the Housing Strategy. Personal information provided will be anonymised in any reporting. If you provide contact details we will only contact you for the reasons stated in the question. For further information about how we use your data please read our privacy notice www.barnsley.gov.uk/privacy